God created man to share in his own blessed life. It is love which compels one to share. In revelation, by which God addresses and gives himself to man, and the faith in which man responds to God, man has union with God; the desire for God is written in the human heart.
When we had fallen away, God sent his Son to teach us and to heal us In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life. Christ fulfilled the hidden oracles of the prophets and brought to completion the Jewish faith in the most unexpected way. He was rejected by the Jews but it is through his death we have union with God and forgiveness of sins.
Uniting His cross to ours takes away the "coating" we get on our hearts caused by sin and selfishness. Only a cross will remove this coating. Suffering given to God allows us to love again. It can reinforce belief in God when one has gotten lax in their faith. This proves sin, evil, and love are all spiritual forces. When we partake of the body and blood of Christ, it nourishes our faith, takes away our sins, and gives us communion with God. Only by living the Gospels does man have a real connection to God that reaches to the center of his heart. They give man a feeling of love and joy and makes him feel complete like nothing else does. Jesus is a life force whose words have actual power. When you take the path of worldly distractions or evils, you can feel how it kills the Holy Spirit within you, how it kills love. Then it takes a cross and sacrifice to get it back. This is not something psychological. Following God's law is life-giving, not following it takes away it's life-giving feeling.
Only a Deity that is love could have created the personality of a cat or dog. One gets that love from following God's commandments. Something had to have been here all along and it was God. It is fascinating the love that created a cat is found by practicing what the Gospel teaches and that sin and selfishness takes that love away. We love because we were made in His image. Think of a rose. In fact, think of all of God’s flowers. They are exquisite masterpieces that only a loving God could make. Not only are they beautiful, but they give us honey, which is another gift from God. As Simone Weil said: “In everything that gives us the pure, authentic feeling of beauty, there really is the presence of God. There is, as it were, an incarnation of God in the world, and it is indicated by beauty.” You experience God when you enjoy his creations. Think too, of an orange. It is a beautiful, vibrant color. It is refreshingly delicious, and it is very intricately made. It is a gift from God and a reason to believe. When enjoying an orange, one should marvel at the sun which is a separate entity from the earth but allows the seeds that become the orange to grow, along with water and soil. God had the sun be at a precise distance from the earth so it could make things grow.
The Catholic faith has an intricate economy of grace and fullness of belief that other Christian religions don’t seem to have. But it can miss out a little on teaching how to have a more personal relationship with Christ as our Lord and Savior that other Christian denominations do. But I found the Catholic faith to have a more fullness in expressing God in its worship and beliefs. Some Christian religions fault the Catholics for having Baptism at birth but Catholics every year at Easter reaffirm their baptismal promises that their parents made for them. They also fault them for the Eucharist, but Jesus said: This is my body. This is my blood. God wanted us to have communion with him through the Eucharist. His body nourishes us and his blood, which ratified the predicted last and final covenant, takes away our sins and is life giving.
Other religions that are not Christian and aetheists find fault with Christ’s miracles, saying that they didn’t occur. One argument they give is the overt miracles would have stopped the development of the soul because it could no longer be tested. By being tested, that is how the soul develops and expands love. They argue that if God absolutely manifested himself, people would become like spiritual robots and couldn’t develop love the right way. But the miracles might have been needed for the birth of the Church. To prove Christ was divine. Who made creation, after all, would have the power to alter it. He unites us to God as love in the center of our hearts.
We must have freedom to choose love for love to be effective. This means God has to be hidden to some degree for our salvation to be worked out. We need free will to develop love but free will can also lead to sin and alienation from God. If the miracles were added, how Christ fulfilled the obscure ways in the Old Testament in which he was predicted and how he taught love and took sin away when we unite our cross to His, proves it is undeniable the Creator came to teach his people love and to take away their sins. All throughout the Old Testament in obscure ways, Christ was predicted. It is interesting, that the Creator of Life, would teach us His Word that enlivens life, while behavior that is not life giving, takes away His life in us. When God sends us a cross, it allows us to love better and believe again more fully. Jesus gives us freedom. Freedom from sin and freedom from those psychological defects that interfere with love and really being psychologically free. You need to be free to truly love.
The earth itself allows us to grow spiritually by allowing us to develop virtue and love. The physical allows the spiritual to develop. No other environment but the Earth would allow us to grow spiritually and be tested. Interaction with our fellow man and choosing to do good and be responsible by being challenged by life on Earth allows us to